What is Ductless?

Ductless HVAC Unit

You may have been to someone’s home and seen something on their wall similar-looking to the one pictured above. Have you ever heard the term “Mr. Slim”, or what about “Mini Split”?

The most common term we now use when referring to those same names is “Ductless”. The air conditioner or heat pump ductless system can be installed in your home with a separate temperature control for each room. In the past, these types of units were only seen in a bonus room or a porch that had been closed-in to be used all year round. The term “ductless” is used because these systems have a direct supply of conditioned air coming directly from the unit that is on the wall or ceiling. Ductless units supply air into the room without using air ducts that run throughout the home.

Today, we install ductless units in all areas of the home, providing different temperatures and comfort levels for each room.

Ductless HVAC RemoteDuctless systems can be installed as just an air conditioner/cooling for summer months or as a heat pump that provides cooling in the summer and heating in the winter.

“In the average house, you’re losing 25 percent or more of your energy to ductwork. Simply by removing the ducts, you end up with a more efficient system.”

James Bowman, National Technical Manager for RectorSeal and a 20+ year veteran of the HVAC industry.

Ductless systems come in all different sizes (BTU ratings from 6,000 to 58,000) and can be installed high on your wall, in your ceiling flush-mounted, or on the wall low near your floor. Each home and room has different needs and challenges. The ductless system will be installed specifically to provide you and your family with quiet, efficient comfort all year long.

There are a few things that are a strike against a ductless system.

  • Upfront cost – Much higher cost compared to a window unit.
  • Aesthetics – Located on the wall.
  • The need for regular preventive maintenance.
  • Before After
    Ductless Heat Pump - Before Ductless Heat Pump - After

    Pictured above is the blower wheel showing dust, dirt, and growth from lack of regular maintenance.

    Standard ducted systems using fossil fuel has always been my favorite; however, there are applications where ductless is the best choice.

    Comfort Plus Services can provide you with a free, no-pressure in-home evaluation on a ductless system that would work best for you.

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